Alistair Nicholas
Strategic approach needed to mitigate China risks
As I've been saying for sometime, Australia needs to "press the re-set button" on the bilateral relationship with China. I made the point again, also suggesting a more strategic approach to dealing with China, when I was interviewed on Ausbiz TV.
The interview followed publication by Sydney Morning Herald/The Age of my opinion article, Put down the megaphone or China might opt for other imports.
The interview highlighted the need to treat China more respectfully in our relationship by avoiding "megaphone diplomacy". I also suggested that we needed to offer Beijing an "olive branch" to re-set the relationship. I said one possible olive branch would be to sign a memorandum of understanding on the Belt and Road Initiative. I said such an MOU would not risk Australian sovereignty as each project under such an MOU could be assessed on a case-by-case basis.
The full interview can be seen here.