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Based in Sydney, Australia, I am an internationally experienced consultant who has advised multinational corporations and national and state governments on a range of complex and sensitive issues.  Because of the sensitive nature of many of the projects I have worked on, I do not list the names of clients on this website. Needless to say, the strategies and programs I design and execute for clients are tailored to their specific needs, whilst I always maintain the highest standards of client-confidentiality. I am happy to introduce prospective clients to current and past clients willing to speak about my work for them.


In the meantime, here's a sample of the types of projects I have worked on during my 35+ years career:


  • Lobbying the Australian federal government to retain submarine building in South Australia;

  • Lobbying the Australian federal government on proposed changes to the Corporations Act;

  • Lobbying the Australian federal government on proposed changes to consumer hire-purchase laws;

  • Lobbying the Australian federal government and state governments on regulation of cosmetic surgery;

  • Lobbying several Australian state governments on a multi-million dollar taxation matter on behalf of a foreign sovereign wealth fund;

  • Lobbying several Australian state governments on privatisation of prisons and correctional facilities;

  • Lobbying several Australian state governments on private sector involvement in "back office" policing functions;

  • Development of crisis management systems, processes and manuals, and crisis management training of executives, for companies in the oil and gas, mining, petro-chemical, pharmaceutical, security, firearms, education, and fast moving consumer goods sectors;

  • Management of "hot crises" for companies in the oil and gas, mining, petro-chemical, pharmaceutical, security, firearms, education, and fast moving consumer goods sectors, including cases involving deaths and serious injuries, and market recalls;

  • Assisting a high profile international businessman with media relations regarding misreporting by Australian media with regard to the Panama Papers scandal;

  • Assisting a high profile financial sector executive with internal and external communications during an attempt to blackmail him;

  • Assisting several corporations with internal and external communications during police investigations of corporate fraud and during the subsequent court proceedings;

  • Litigation support services for companies involved in parliamentary inquiries, coronial inquests, investigations by police and anti-corruption agencies, including the NSW Independent Commission Against Corruption (ICAC), and cases before the courts;

  • Lobbying China's central government on anti-counterfeiting measures for a major western corporation;

  • Lobbying the municipal governments of Beijing and Shanghai to change their "dog leash laws";

  • Supporting foreign companies with market entry and investment strategies into China;

  • Supporting Chinese companies with market entry and investment strategies into Australia;

  • Corporatisations and privatisations of a number of Australian federal and state government entities over the past 35+ years.


If you would like more details about the work I have done, including case studies, please feel free to contact me via the link at the bottom of this page.



Alistair Nicholas Consulting Pty Ltd

Australian Company Number (ACN): 655 939 852

Tel: +61-419-290-578

Level 23, Suite 2301,

Forum West Building,

3 Herbert Street,

St Leonards, NSW, 2065

Sydney, Australia

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 © Copyright Alistair Nicholas Consulting, 2020.  

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